Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Give Thanks, Damnit!

I have been MIA on my little blog for a few days now. If anybody out there in cyberland gives a shit, I truly apologize. Life has been very hectic lately, but in a good way. I've nailed down the CD Release Party for next year, I'm getting a band together, I'm getting ready for my show in NYC on Jan. 3, I've got a new website I'm trying desperately to have up by Dec. 2, I almost met the challenge of NanoWriMo and I've met a fabulous boy who makes me smile inside everytime I'm with him. So, all and all, as usual, I have a hell of a lot to be thankful for. Still haven't found a house yet, but it's all good.

I'm a little bummed I'm not going to win that NaNoWriMo challenge, but it made me realize I can still write. That's good cuz I was beginning to wonder. I'll probably finish the book sometime in December, it will be more like a novella than a novel though. I'm currently at 22,000 words and I have a fan who's dying for me to finish it. Thanks, BL! That means the world to a writer to know someone actually enjoys what they're writing. Same thing for music too. When someone says they love my music, it makes all this other bullshit I have to go through to get it out there worth it.

So, there you go. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. I promise to be a better blogger starting next week. But I'm off for the next four days. Hallelujah!

Luv, the big fat turkey!


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